Welcome to the NSW and ACT District
We are 'Walking Together in Mission'
Just as God sent Jesus to bring forgiveness of sins and salvation to our world, so he sends us to bring the good news to people everywhere so that they may also know the love and grace of Jesus.

We’re part of a bigger family, the Lutheran Church of Australia. Our vision is to see God’s love in Christ coming to life in people everywhere through a Lutheran Church that carries out the great commission by joyfully receiving, living and sharing the gospel.
Latest News and Features
Stories of Life
In 2021, the members of St Peter’s, Port Macquarie, were encouraged to consider telling their personal stories of faith as part of the annual Stories of Life writing project.
A journey towards deeper community connections
A pastor’s wife is part of a unique community of women who support their men and often lead ministries within the context God has placed them.
How can they know if no-one tells them?
Our District is thankful for a number of committed volunteers who have taught Scripture in schools for many years. Here are some of their reflections.