About us
Who are we?
The NSW and ACT District of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) is a body of congregations voluntarily joined together to grow and serve as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Why are we here?
We exist to support and help resource, encourage and inspire, focus and challenge each other to confess, proclaim and give witness to the saving work of Jesus Christ to the glory of God.
What do we want to do?
Our desire as partners in the gospel is for our congregations to become the healthy organisms God calls them to be in their ministry, to both those within and outside of the family of God.
We value
- An awareness of and adherence to the confessions of the Lutheran Church
- The ability to communicate this in a culturally and socially relevant manner
- Strong, confident, visionary and effective leadership
- Inclusive, loving, accepting and engaged, open and receptive, well-equipped disciples living out their vocation in the church and the wider community
- Diversity of worshipping communities for better engagement in wider society
- Attempts to grow the church in ways that are innovative and appropriate to people in particular contexts
- Leadership that trusts people and encourages them to explore change and engage in mission with freedom and faithfulness
- The taking of risks in mission and so learning and growing from all experiences, both positive and negative
- Structures that serve the mission and being prepared to evaluate, revise and renew them
- An active partnership with the ministry and mission of the LCA, as well as a cooperative spirit with other Christian churches
- Effective communication